Ajagajantharam is an Indian Malayalam language film that was released in cinemas on December 23, 2021. The film was directed by Tinu Pappachan and written by Kichu Tellus and Vineeth Vishwam. It was produced by Silver Bay Studios Productions and released through Central Pictures. With a running time of 122 minutes, the film falls into the action and adventure genres and has a gross of Rs. 4.7 crores and a box office gross of Rs. 300 million. The film was originally scheduled to be released on December 23, 2021, but its release was postponed due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting India. Despite the delay, Ajagajantharam has proven to be a success at the box office, outpacing other films such as Meow and Kunjeldho.
Ajagajantharam was directed by Jinto George and edited by Shameer Muhammed, with music by Justin Varghese. The film features a talented cast, including Antony Varghese as Lali, Arjun Ashokan as Kannan, Chemban Vinod Jose as Aliyan, Sabumon Abdusamad as Kachchambar Dasan, and Kichu Tellus as Ambi. The film has received positive reviews from critics and audiences, with an IMDB rating of 7.3 out of 10 and a Google user rating of 93%. It has been praised for its action-packed storyline, talented cast, and high-quality production values.
Ajagajantharam follows the story of Lali, a young man who is drawn into the world of crime and violence. When his friend Kannan is killed by a rival gang, Lali sets out to seek revenge and bring the perpetrators to justice. Along the way, he must confront his own demons and make difficult choices in order to survive. As Lali navigates the dangerous world of crime and violence, he is aided by his friends Aliyan and Kachchambar Dasan, as well as Ambi, a mysterious woman who helps him in his quest for revenge. Together, they face numerous challenges and dangers as they pursue their enemies and try to bring them to justice.
Ajagajantharam is an exciting and thrilling film that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With its fast-paced action and compelling storyline, it is a must-see for fans of the action and adventure genres. So if you're in the mood for an exciting and action-packed film, be sure to check out Ajagajantharam.
Ajagajantharam 2021 Malayalam Film Story
Ajagajantharam 2021 is a thrilling film that tells the story of a minor altercation that escalates into a full-blown riot in the village of Aranjali. The film is set in a village where many of the young and middle-aged people are addicted to alcohol and drugs and are portrayed as a large and arrogant group that is prone to violence. The film follows the character of Lali, a young man who is addicted to alcohol and gets into frequent fights with various people. Lali is involved in the supply of elephants for festivals and is part of the organizing committee for the Devala Perahera, an annual event in the village that is being held for the first time with the participation of elephants.
During the procession, Lali gets into an argument with a young man in the village and assaults him. This minor altercation sets off a chain of events that leads to a full-blown riot in the village. The youth of the village, including Lali and his group, engage in frequent exchanges of blows with the ivory hunters. As the riot escalates, the villagers come together and use various thugs and weapons to kill Lali and his group. It becomes clear that a small incident can quickly escalate into a major conflict, and that it is important to find ways to resolve conflicts peacefully.
Ajagajantharam 2021 is a film that tackles important themes such as violence, addiction, and the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully. With its fast-paced action and compelling storyline, it is a must-see for fans of the action and adventure genres. The film features a talented cast, including Antony Varghese as Lali, Arjun Ashokan as Kannan, Chemban Vinod Jose as Aliyan, Sabumon Abdusamad as Kachchambar Dasan, and Kichu Tellus as Ambi. Each of these actors brings their own unique talents to the film, helping to bring the story to life and make it a truly memorable experience.
In conclusion, Ajagajantharam 2021 is a film that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its fast-paced action and compelling storyline. With its talented cast and high-quality production values, it is a film that is sure to be enjoyed by audiences of all ages. So if you're in the mood for an exciting and action-packed film, be sure to check out Ajagajantharam 2021.
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